Monday, November 8, 2010

Betrayal of Women?


My least favorite month.

The weather starts getting crisp and frosty...making me pack away my beloved flip flops and unpack my dreaded jacket and sweatshirts.

The college semester is plagued by mid terms and the anxiousness of Christmas break.

Halloween is my least favorite holiday because of the gory costumes and movies.

But what bothers me most about October is the stampede of pink ribbons. They are attached to everything such as shirts, cars, mugs, purses, etc. These pink ribbons seem so innocent but powerful at the same time because they represent Breast Cancer Awareness.

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for finding a cure for breast cancer. I get it..breast cancer is bad. Over the years I have encountered breast cancer sufferers and survivors and my heart and prayers go out to them. It is a horrible and devastating disease. However, my problem with the little pink ribbon is because of the foundation that lies behind it. Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The Susan G. Komen foundation helps raise money and awareness for breast cancer research. They claim that their mission is to enhance and protect the well-being of girls and women. Sadly though, they contribute money to Planned Parenthood. Last year alone they gave $731,303 to Planned Parenthood.

A Komen spokesperson admitted that during 2000-2005 at least 13 Komen affiliates awarded at least 55 grants to PP afiliates. This information can be found on the Komen website.

Of course, Komen claims that the contributions are for breast exams only. Although the 2005-2006 PP annual report states that 9,900 more abortions were performed and 81,500 fewer breast exams were provided than in 2004. In 2008, breast cancer services at PP decreased by 4% and abortions increased by 6%. Komen's founder, Nancy Brinker, was listed as an advisory board member for PP of North Texas, which is the 5th largest PP affiliate in the nation. Coincidence?

I could go on all day.

You might be thinking whats the big deal? There are lots of companies that support Planned Parenthood i.e. General Mills, Olive Garden, Bank of America, Girl Scouts etc. The specific thing that really stirred me up about Komen supporting PP is the possible breast cancer and abortion link.

Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, a breast surgical oncologist, stated that "29 out of 38 worldwide epidemiological studies show an increased risk of breast cancer of approximately 30% among women who have had an abortion." This happens because when a woman has an abortion she alters the production of estrogen in her body which was preparing itself for a baby.

I am not trying to convince you that every abortion causes breast cancer. If don't believe there is any link that is fine with me. But that does not change the deceiving ways of the Susan G. Komen foundation. If their purpose is to help and enhance the lives of girls and women then why on earth would they fully support something that destroys lives?

Think about it.

If you still are not convinced about any of this check these websites out: