Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Wish

This year I spent Christmas at my in-laws. In the 23 years I have been alive I have never spent Christmas away from my family. I am very close to them and Christmas is very special to me especially with my brother being deployed.

Christmas Eve started out rough. I had to work and I was almost late getting there. Work was busy and people were not using their brains which made my job harder. I had to cook soup for Christmas Eve dinner later that night...and it did not turn out right. After work I was exhausted and in a rush to get everything together for that night.

But then I remembered what Christmas is really about. I decided to make the best of it despite how I felt. As soon as we got to my in-laws I started seeing the family laugh and mingle and I became emotional. I missed my family and what Christmas used to be like when I was a child.

After dinner we all sat down around the tree while they passed out the presents. I sat in the background feeling like an outsider looking in. Although, it was fun and interesting to see all the different people all together.

As the kids were opening presents I couldn't help but laugh and smile when I saw the pure joy and excitement on their faces. It got me thinking about how maybe the pro-life movement is so set on saving unborn babies that we sometimes loose focus on children that are already here. While the saving the unborn babies is extremely important in my book however, what happens to the babies that ARE saved?

Our job as pro-life "activists" or "abolitionists"(or whatever other term you want to use) is to protect and defend LIFE which should not be limited to unborn life.

Wikipedia defines pro-life as: political and ethical opposition to elective abortion, and support for its legal prohibition or restriction.

While opposing  abortion is our main goal I believe it is much deeper than that. Our mission is enriching, protecting, and cherishing all life pre and post birth.

There are so many children who did not get any presents for Christmas and that breaks my heart. This year my husband and I had the privilege to participate in the Angel Tree Program. We chose to buy for a little boy age 9-12 months. We had so much fun shopping for him. We bought him a Toy Story car, some bibs, and a book. It was really awesome to know that Christmas morning he was going to be so excited to open our presents.

Pro-lifers often get stuck with the label of anti-abortion or anti-choice. But really we are much more than that, we believe in rights for ALL ages and forms of life.

All this made me think of what I truly wanted for Christmas. Seeing these children's faces made me think that material things are not so important. Yes, they are fun and great to have. But my Christmas wish is beyond that. My wish for this next year is simply this: better days. Around Christmas time I always think of one of my favorite songs by the Goo Goo Dolls called "Better Days"
My favorite parts are the first and second verse:
               And you ask me what I want this year
               And I try to make this kind and clear
               Just the chance that maybe we'll find better days
               Cause I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
               And designer love and empty things
               Just the chance that maybe we'll find better days

I need someplace simple where we can live
And something only you can give
And that's faith and trust and peace while we're alive
And the one poor Child who saved this world
And there's ten million more who probably could
If we all just stopped and said a prayer for them

(Lyrics came from

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Friday December 17th was my 23rd birthday.

The week of I was in deep thought and reflection. I guess everyone probably does the same thing. "Am I where I thought I would be?" "What am I doing with my life?" " Where do I want to be in 10 years?"

I started questioning what I am doing right now. The past few months I have been working with the Pro-Life movement through this blog, Students for Life at Eastern Michigan, and the Right to Life of Michigan. It has been a bumpy road because it is not a popular topic. However, it is something I am very passionate about and want to devote my life too.

I started wondering if my passion is in vain. Maybe, this movement/cause is bigger than I am. I am only one person, surely I will not be heard and I cannot make a difference. Then I started thinking about two important/influential people in history.

Martin Luther King Jr:
        - civil rights activist
        - youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize
        - known for helping end racial segregation and discrimination
        - assassinated at age 39

Alice Paul:
        - original author of a proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution in 1923
        - appointed Chairwoman of the National American Woman Suffrage Association's Congressional Committee in Washington D.C.
         - forced fed raw eggs while trying to participate in a hunger strike

These are two very different yet similar people. One fought for equal rights for all races and the other for equal rights for women. They were often harassed and criticized for their passions/causes.

The major thing they had in common was this: they had one voice. They were only one person who rose above the noise and spoke out for their cause.

I have decided that this year is going to be my year. I will not be ashamed or afraid to fight for the Pro-Life agenda. Come what may.

I will be a voice for the voiceless.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Womans Choice Abortion Clinic Investigation

This video is not for the faint of heart or those with a weak stomach. This video shows what some pro-lifers found in the dumpster of an abortion clinic in Lansing, Michigan. What they find will shock you.

Here is an excerpt from The Detriot News about this:

An investigation by the Eaton County Prosecutor's Office and the Michigan Attorney General's Office determined the disposal of the fetuses was "in technical compliance" with Michigan laws, according to Doug Lloyd, chief assistant prosecutor in Eaton County.
"I'm shocked by this dumping of 17 babies into a trash Dumpster in my district, and I was further appalled that this may be a legal act under Michigan law," Jones said Wednesday at a news conference.
A person who answered the telephone at WomansChoice Clinic said no one was commenting for the story.
Under a set of bills, sponsored by Jones, Rep. Joe Haveman, R-Holland, and Rep. Bob Genetski, R-Saugatuck, clinics would need to dispose of fetuses by burial, cremation or by donating them to science. Parents would be allowed to choose an option, but clinics would not be required to ask. Violation of the law could be punishable by up to three years in jail and a fine of up to $5,000.
Currently, aborted fetuses must be disposed of in the same manner as medical waste.
Jones doubts the bills will be addressed during the lame duck session of the Legislature, but "I plan to reintroduce them in January."
"I feel confident I can get them through the Senate," Jones said. "The House is more problematic, but I'll do everything I can."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When Does Social Justice Begin?

At the beginning of November my social work professor asked us to write a paper about a social topic that interests us. So naturally I chose the abortion/pro-life debate. Ok, maybe I was trying to push some buttons but I firmly believe that if you cannot go against the grain sometimes then sit down and shut up.

We were then asked to pick a political candidate and write about whether they agreed or disagreed with our topic. We then had to talk about the social work code of ethics and whether the candidate followed them or not. My political candidate of choice was Tim Walberg. Tim Walberg is very pro-life.

He is endorsed by the Right to Life of Michigan and the National Right to Life. In 2007, he voted no on the expanding of research to more embryonic stem cell lines and he co-sponsored the Right to Life Act which states that the right to life is guaranteed by the Constitution and is vested in every human being. The Act defines a "human being" as a person in all stages of life meaning from the moment of fertilization.

In my paper I then wrote about some of the social worker's code of ethics and how this topic ties into them. The first one I wrote about was that the job of the social worker's obligations is to work toward social justice for all. According the to social work field social justice begins once the baby is born, however, I believe it starts at the moment of conception. Then I wrote about how social workers are supposed to help end discrimination for all people regardless of sex, lifestyle, race, and AGE. What greater form of discrimination is there then deciding someone does not deserve life and then taking that life? Also, social workers are supposed to allow people the right of self-determination. Which means giving someone the option to decide for themselves.

I do not believe everything is black and white. As a pro-life activist, do i believe abortion is wrong? Without a doubt...yes. Do I think it will ever be illegal again? No, I don't. That being said my goal as an activist and future social worker is to help educate people. A pregnant woman who realizes that she may not be able to properly take care of her baby MUST be provided with all the options, details, facts, and more importantly...resources.  Once she is provided with all that then she is more prepared to make a decision, hence self-determination.

Armed with confidence and satisfaction I turned in my paper. I understand that some people would have been worried about getting a bad grade by turning in a controversial paper because most professors anymore are pro-choice especially social work professors. I, on the other hand, was not worried at all.
Here is why:
                      1.) I was already getting an A in the class and even if she gave me a bad grade on the paper i would still pass.
                      2.) I'm tired of pro-lifers being afraid to voice their opinion in a pro-choice world.
                      3.) you can say you are pro-life until you are blue in the face BUT until you take action it means nothing.
                      4.) I wanted her to know my opinion,that I am not afraid to voice it, and that I am aware that it is my right.

Anyways, two weeks late we got our papers back.

Here is what mine said:

"The social profession does believe in choice for all women - choice to keep a pregnancy, choice to end a pregnancy. This value/belief is based on the history of some females being force to undergo sterilization against their will, while other women were forced to carry pregnancies against their will. Social Workers believe that freedom of choice and informed decisions is the only route to reproductive justice."

She was nicer about it than I expected although what choice did she have? My question to her and to all the other pro-choice people out there is what about the baby? Do they not count? Do they not deserve justice too? Where is the line? Soon we are going to have pro-choice people tell us that the sick and elderly do not deserve life...oh what that has already happened... i.e. Terri Schiavo and euthanasia.

Think about it.

On a good note: I got an A+ on the paper AND Tim Walberg won :-)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Betrayal of Women?


My least favorite month.

The weather starts getting crisp and frosty...making me pack away my beloved flip flops and unpack my dreaded jacket and sweatshirts.

The college semester is plagued by mid terms and the anxiousness of Christmas break.

Halloween is my least favorite holiday because of the gory costumes and movies.

But what bothers me most about October is the stampede of pink ribbons. They are attached to everything such as shirts, cars, mugs, purses, etc. These pink ribbons seem so innocent but powerful at the same time because they represent Breast Cancer Awareness.

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for finding a cure for breast cancer. I get it..breast cancer is bad. Over the years I have encountered breast cancer sufferers and survivors and my heart and prayers go out to them. It is a horrible and devastating disease. However, my problem with the little pink ribbon is because of the foundation that lies behind it. Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The Susan G. Komen foundation helps raise money and awareness for breast cancer research. They claim that their mission is to enhance and protect the well-being of girls and women. Sadly though, they contribute money to Planned Parenthood. Last year alone they gave $731,303 to Planned Parenthood.

A Komen spokesperson admitted that during 2000-2005 at least 13 Komen affiliates awarded at least 55 grants to PP afiliates. This information can be found on the Komen website.

Of course, Komen claims that the contributions are for breast exams only. Although the 2005-2006 PP annual report states that 9,900 more abortions were performed and 81,500 fewer breast exams were provided than in 2004. In 2008, breast cancer services at PP decreased by 4% and abortions increased by 6%. Komen's founder, Nancy Brinker, was listed as an advisory board member for PP of North Texas, which is the 5th largest PP affiliate in the nation. Coincidence?

I could go on all day.

You might be thinking whats the big deal? There are lots of companies that support Planned Parenthood i.e. General Mills, Olive Garden, Bank of America, Girl Scouts etc. The specific thing that really stirred me up about Komen supporting PP is the possible breast cancer and abortion link.

Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, a breast surgical oncologist, stated that "29 out of 38 worldwide epidemiological studies show an increased risk of breast cancer of approximately 30% among women who have had an abortion." This happens because when a woman has an abortion she alters the production of estrogen in her body which was preparing itself for a baby.

I am not trying to convince you that every abortion causes breast cancer. If don't believe there is any link that is fine with me. But that does not change the deceiving ways of the Susan G. Komen foundation. If their purpose is to help and enhance the lives of girls and women then why on earth would they fully support something that destroys lives?

Think about it.

If you still are not convinced about any of this check these websites out:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Red Tape.

Butterflies. heart racing. sweaty hands.

Beat red face. perhaps even brighter than the tape across my mouth.

Last tuesday was Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity. Millions of teens and young adults stepped onto the campuses of their high schools and universities. They came armed with fliers and posters with bright red tape across their mouths bearing one small but powerful word. LIFE. Braving the cries of negativity, anger, and even hatred they walked around passing out their fliers. However, under the cloud of ridicule lies whispers of enocouragement which lets us know that there is hope for unborn babies.

Students for Life at Eastern Michigan University, of which I am vice-president and co-founder, decided to make Silent Day our first "demonstration" on campus. We decided that in order to get people's attention and let them know we are here is to do something "visual."

What better way to get someone's attention then to walk around with red duct tape on your mouth?

About 12 people showed up with their red tape and fliers ready to create a buzz. First we started with about 2,000 fliers and after about an hour and a half...we ran out. We gathered the troops and rushed to the library to print more. Luckily a nun was at a computer nearby and realized what we were doing. She printed off a lot more for us. Somehow we rounded up about 1,000 more fliers. Those quickly disapeared.

Now that you know exactly what we are the mixed responses we recieved...

I personally had a guy spit on the ground right next to my shoe. One girl took the flier, handed it back, and said "I don't want this!!" A couple more people, including a teacher, walked up and thanked me for what I was doing.(Which reassured me that I was doing the right thing)

Other people from our group had a variety of experiences. Our president, Christen, had a guy hug her and say "Another conservative!!" :-) Another girl was called horrible names.

Later that day, we found out that there was a guy on campus handing out "pro-choice" fliers. The fliers had a C.S. Lewis quote and said something about us "oppressing people with our morals."

When I first heard about this I laughed

I laughed because the word oppress means "to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power: " (via

So is he saying we are in authority or have so much power over everyone?

That was definately a poor choice of words on his part.

Did we really make such an impact that someone felt the need to "stand up" and "confront" us?

I hope so.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Voice in a Million

Thanks for visiting my little "voice" on the web. The point of this blog is to share my experiences, beliefs, and views with you in hopes that you are educated and informed on the topic of being Pro-Life. Here I will share my opinions and events I attend/organize. It is not my goal to offend or put anyone down however I have a voice to make my opinions known and two feet to stand by those opinions.

One day, I was trying to decide on the best name for my blog and then a song came on the radio. The song was "Strip Me" By Natasha Bedingfield. One line of the song says "Im only one voice in a million
but you aint taking that from me." It was then that I decided on the perfect name.
Here are the lyrics and video:

Everyday I fight for
All my future somethings
A thousand little awards
I have to choose between
I could spend a lifetime
Earning things I don't need
That's like chasing rainbows
And coming home empty
And if you strip me,
Strip it all away
If you strip me,
What would you find
If you strip me,
Strip it all away
Ill be alright

Take what you want
Steal my pride
Build me up
Or cut me down to size
Shut me out
But I'll just scream
Im only one voice in a million
but you aint taking that from me
Oh oh no you aint taking that from me

I dont need a microphone
To say what I been thinking
My heart is like a loudspeaker
Thats always on eleven
And if you strip me,
Strip it all away
If you strip me,
What would you find
If you strip me,
Strip it all away
I'm still the same

Cause when it all boils down
At the end of the day
Its what you do and say
That makes you who you are
Makes you think about,
Think about it
Doesn't it
Sometimes all it takes is one voice

Natasha Bedingfield - Strip Me (Audio)