Friday December 17th was my 23rd birthday.
The week of I was in deep thought and reflection. I guess everyone probably does the same thing. "Am I where I thought I would be?" "What am I doing with my life?" " Where do I want to be in 10 years?"
I started questioning what I am doing right now. The past few months I have been working with the Pro-Life movement through this blog, Students for Life at Eastern Michigan, and the Right to Life of Michigan. It has been a bumpy road because it is not a popular topic. However, it is something I am very passionate about and want to devote my life too.
I started wondering if my passion is in vain. Maybe, this movement/cause is bigger than I am. I am only one person, surely I will not be heard and I cannot make a difference. Then I started thinking about two important/influential people in history.
Martin Luther King Jr:
- civil rights activist
- youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize
- known for helping end racial segregation and discrimination
- assassinated at age 39
Alice Paul:
- original author of a proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution in 1923
- appointed Chairwoman of the National American Woman Suffrage Association's Congressional Committee in Washington D.C.
- forced fed raw eggs while trying to participate in a hunger strike
These are two very different yet similar people. One fought for equal rights for all races and the other for equal rights for women. They were often harassed and criticized for their passions/causes.
The major thing they had in common was this: they had one voice. They were only one person who rose above the noise and spoke out for their cause.
I have decided that this year is going to be my year. I will not be ashamed or afraid to fight for the Pro-Life agenda. Come what may.
I will be a voice for the voiceless.
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