Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Women Deserve Better

According to Wikipedia, "feminism refers to movements aimed at defining, establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women."

My views on feminism are rocky. I believe in women having equal rights politically and in the workplace. I believe women should be treat fairly and not better or worse than men. I do not, however, believe women are better or higher than men. I believe in feminism up to the point of abortions.

Its Thursday night around 7pm. I'm sitting in my Social Diversity and Equality class. Its an interesting class but definitely very liberal.  I'm tired and have had a long day at work and the last thing I want to do is sit in a 3 hour class. The topic for the week was sexism. So the teacher decided to show a little movie about feminism. The movie was just a bunch of interviews with feminists on various topics. Knowing a bit about feminist beliefs ,due to a Woman's Study class, I know abortion was on their hate list. That fact alone kept me from falling to sleep.

Here is what happened.

One of the women said that the media is just after money when it comes to exploit women. Feminists are fighting to end this exploitation Let me see if I get this straight: media exploits women for money and women are fighting to stop it but Planned Parenthood exposes women for money and some feminists fight to support it.

Another woman that was being interviewed claimed to have had an abortion and for years she tried making herself feel guilty but never did. She said she felt that having the abortion was the first time she ever took responsibility for herself and, in her words,it was a positive experience. If you read one of my earlier posts it talks about the abortion-breast cancer link. So I will mention that this same woman later had breast cancer.

The next woman talked about how women can't control their "fertile situation" and abortions have to be legal so women don't die. Approximately 400 women have died from legal abortions not to mention how many female babies have died. (This does not include how many women have died from cancer caused by abortions.)

One thing that really upset me about this video is that they kept showing clips of pro-life activists protesting. The clips they showed were from the 80s and the protesters were being violent. Which is an unfair representation. Pro-life violent protesters are extremists. Every group has them. During March for Life 2011, over 300,000 pro-lifers gathered together in protest. To my knowledge there was not one act of violence.

This next statement made me livid. "People against abortion and fight to try to end it support violence against women." said one feminist. Do I even need to go into the physical complications of abortions?

It was clear to me that these feminists value "reproductive rights" over simple human rights.

The last thing that really bothered me was that throughout the abortion segment, no one ever said the words pro-life. Pro-lifers were referred to as anti-abortion. Therefore, instead of calling them "pro-choice" they need to be referred to as anti-life and ,my personal favorite, pro-death.

Now that I have painted a dim and dark picture of feminism I feel that its my responsibility to paint another brighter picture.

There is a pro-life feminist group http://feministsforlife.org/

The Feminists for Life are dedicated to "systematically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion—primarily lack of practical resources and support—through holistic woman-centered solution."


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